Main Menu » Organs & Systems » Reproductive Male Overview of the male reproductive system Male overview 1 Male overview 2 Testis Overview of the testis Testis overview 1 Testis overview 2 Testis overview 3 Testis overview 4 Testis overview 5 Testis Proper Testis Proper 1 Testis Proper 2 Testis proper 3 Testis proper 4 Testis Proper 5 Testis proper 6 Testis Proper 7 Testis Proper 8 Testis Proper 9 Testis Proper 10 Testis Proper 11 Testis Proper 12 Testis Proper 13 Testis Proper 14 Intratesticular Ducts Intratesticular ducts 1 Intratesticular ducts 2 Intratesticular ducts 3 Intratesticular ducts 4 Intratesticular ducts 5 Epididymis Head Epididymis head 1 Epididymis head 2 Epididymis head 3 Epididymis head 5 Epididymis head 4 Epididymis head 6 Body and Tail Epididymis body tail 1 Epididymis body tail 2 Epididymis body tail 6 Epididymis body tail 5 Spermatic Cord Spermatic cord 1 Spermatic cord 5 Spermatic cord 2 Spermatic cord 3 Spermatic cord 4 Penis Penis 1 Penis 2 Penis 3 Penis 4 Penis 5 Genital Glands Seminal Vesicle Seminal vesicle 1 Seminal vesicle 2 Seminal vesicle 3 Seminal vesicle 4 Seminal vesicle 5 Seminal vesicle 6 Prostate Prostate 1 Prostate 2 Prostate 3 Prostate 4 Prostate 5 Prostate 6 Female Overview of the female reproductive system Female Overview 1 Female Overview 2 Female Overview 3 Female overview 5 Ovary Ovary 1 Ovary 2 Ovary 3 Ovary 4 Ovary 5 Ovary 6 Ovary 7 Ovary 8 Ovary 9 Ovary 10 Ovary 11 Ovary 12 Ovary 13 Ovary 14 Ovary 15 Ovary 16 Ovary 17 Oviduct Oviduct 1 Oviduct 2 Oviduct 3 Oviduct 4 Oviduct 5 Oviduct 6 Oviduct 7 Oviduct 8 Uterus Uterus 1 Uterus 2 Uterus 3 Uterus 4 Uterus 5 Uterus 6 Uterus 7 Uterus 8 Uterus 9 Uterus 10 Uterus 11 Uterus 12 Uterus 13 Uterus 14 Uterus 15 Uterus 16 Uterus 17 Uterus 18 Uterus 19 Uterus 20 Uterus 21 Uterus 22 Uterus 23 Placenta Placenta 1 Placenta 2 Placenta 3 Placenta 4 Placenta 5 Placenta 6 Placenta 7 Placenta 8 Placenta 9 Vagina Vagina 1 Vagina 2 Vagina 3 Breast Breast 1 Breast 2 Breast 3 Breast 4 Breast 5 Breast 6 Breast 7 Breast 8 Breast 9