Placenta: 3rd trimester
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X

Intervillous space
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X

Floating villi
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X

- Fetal connective tissue
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X

- Fetal blood vessels
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X

- Cytotrophoblast
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X

- Syncytiotrophoblast
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X

- Clumped nuclei
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X

- Fibrinoid
Features of the late placental villi are: a thinned syncytiotrophoblastic layer with areas of clumped nuclei; numerous fetal capillaries adjacent to the syncytial layer; a discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblastic cells; fibrinoid; and condensed fetal connective tissue in the villi. 400X