This image of the diaphysis of a long bone demonstrates the insertions of two muscles into the bone. Frequently, for extra strength, such insertions show a transition of muscle to tendon to fibrocartilage to bone. 10x

Diaphysis >
The diaphysis, or shaft, of a long bone is oriented vertically in this image. The shaft is composed of compact bone. The center of the shaft, the marrow cavity, is composed of spongy bone surrounded by bone marrow.

- Compact bone
The diaphysis, or shaft, of a long bone extends longitudinally down the image. The shaft is composed of compact bone peripherally; the center of the shaft, the marrow cavity, is composed of spongy bone surrounded by bone marrow.

- Spongy bone
The diaphysis, or shaft, of a long bone extends longitudinally down the image. The shaft is composed of compact bone peripherally; the center of the shaft, the marrow cavity, is composed of spongy bone surrounded by bone marrow.

- Bone marrow
The diaphysis, or shaft, of a long bone extends longitudinally down the image. The shaft is composed of compact bone peripherally; the center of the shaft, the marrow cavity, is composed of spongy bone surrounded by bone marrow.

Muscle insertions >
Two muscles (arrows) insert into this diaphysis. Because the force exerted by a muscle is unidirectional, tendon and the fibrocartilage continuing from it contain collagen fiber bundles arranged in a parallel manner. This pattern, therefore, resembles dense regular connective tissue. The region outlined by the rectangle indicates the transition of tendon to fibrocartilage.

Next Image >
The next image shows a region within this rectangle at higher magnification.