Astrocytes extend processes to capillaries and form “end-feet” which partially encircle the capillary. Similar contacts are also made on neurons. By these contacts, astrocytes help regulate metabolic and ionic homeostasis in the CNS. These images show fibrous astrocytes stained by a special gold-deposition technique called the Cajal method. 1000x

Fibrous astrocytes
Astrocytes extend processes to capillaries and form “end-feet” which partially encircle the capillary. Similar contacts are also made on neurons. By these contacts, astrocytes help regulate metabolic and ionic homeostasis in the CNS. These images show fibrous astrocytes stained by a special gold-deposition technique called the Cajal method. 1000x

Astrocytes extend processes to capillaries and form “end-feet” which partially encircle the capillary. Similar contacts are also made on neurons. By these contacts, astrocytes help regulate metabolic and ionic homeostasis in the CNS. These images show fibrous astrocytes stained by a special gold-deposition technique called the Cajal method. 1000x

Astrocytic end feet
Astrocytes extend processes to capillaries and form “end-feet” which partially encircle the capillary. Similar contacts are also made on neurons. By these contacts, astrocytes help regulate metabolic and ionic homeostasis in the CNS. These images show fibrous astrocytes stained by a special gold-deposition technique called the Cajal method. 1000x