Simple, coiled tubular gland
Shown here is another example of an apocrine sweat gland, which contrary to their name, secrete by the merocrine mode of secretion. The secretory product is thick and protein-rich, hence the lumen is much wider than that seen in eccrine sweat glands. The secretions acquire a distinctive odor by the action of bacteria on the surface of the skin. The ducts of these glands open into hair follicles near those of the sebaceous glands. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the anal and axillary regions as well as in the nipple of the breast. Anus 400x

Apocrine sweat glands
Shown here is another example of an apocrine sweat gland, which contrary to their name, secrete by the merocrine mode of secretion. The secretory product is thick and protein-rich, hence the lumen is much wider than that seen in eccrine sweat glands. The secretions acquire a distinctive odor by the action of bacteria on the surface of the skin. The ducts of these glands open into hair follicles near those of the sebaceous glands. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the anal and axillary regions as well as in the nipple of the breast. Anus 400x

- Wide lumen with secretory product
Shown here is another example of an apocrine sweat gland, which contrary to their name, secrete by the merocrine mode of secretion. The secretory product is thick and protein-rich, hence the lumen is much wider than that seen in eccrine sweat glands. The secretions acquire a distinctive odor by the action of bacteria on the surface of the skin. The ducts of these glands open into hair follicles near those of the sebaceous glands. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the anal and axillary regions as well as in the nipple of the breast. Anus 400x