Simple, coiled tubular gland
A second type of simple coiled tubular gland is the apocrine sweat gland. These glands produce a thicker secretory product than eccrine sweat glands and thus possess wider lumens. The ducts of apocrine glands open into hair follicles near those of the sebaceous glands. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the anal (shown here) and axillary regions. They are also present in the nipple of the breast. Anus 100x

Apocrine sweat glands
A second type of simple coiled tubular gland is the apocrine sweat gland. These glands produce a thicker secretory product than eccrine sweat glands and thus possess wider lumens. The ducts of apocrine glands open into hair follicles near those of the sebaceous glands. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the anal (shown here) and axillary regions. They are also present in the nipple of the breast. Anus 100x

Hair follicles
A second type of simple coiled tubular gland is the apocrine sweat gland. These glands produce a thicker secretory product than eccrine sweat glands and thus possess wider lumens. The ducts of apocrine glands open into hair follicles near those of the sebaceous glands. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the anal (shown here) and axillary regions. They are also present in the nipple of the breast. Anus 100x

Sebaceous glands
A second type of simple coiled tubular gland is the apocrine sweat gland. These glands produce a thicker secretory product than eccrine sweat glands and thus possess wider lumens. The ducts of apocrine glands open into hair follicles near those of the sebaceous glands. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the anal (shown here) and axillary regions. They are also present in the nipple of the breast. Anus 100x

Epidermis of the skin
A second type of simple coiled tubular gland is the apocrine sweat gland. These glands produce a thicker secretory product than eccrine sweat glands and thus possess wider lumens. The ducts of apocrine glands open into hair follicles near those of the sebaceous glands. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the anal (shown here) and axillary regions. They are also present in the nipple of the breast. Anus 100x