Endochondral ossification
The end of the zone of maturation-hypertrophy-calcification is located at the top of this image. The zone of degeneration is in the middle, and the zone of ossification is at the bottom of the image. 400x

Zones of M-H-C >
In the zone of maturation-hypertrophy-calcification, linearly arranged chondrocytes increase in size and secrete alkaline phosphatase, thus allowing the matrix to calcify.

Zone of degeneration >
In the zone of degeneration (yellow arrow), chondrocytes have died, leaving behind the calcified cartilage spicules (red arrows) that separated the isogenous groups.

Zone of ossification >
In the zone of ossification (yellow arrow), osteoblasts deposit woven bone (stained red; black arrows), on the calcified cartilage framework. Because this bone is replacing cartilage, this type of bone formation called endochondral bone formation.