Neutrophilic band cells and segmented neutrophils
The band cell stage follows the metamyelocyte stage, with cells developing an elongated nucleus of uniform width and a prominent horseshoe shape. The nucleus then develops constrictions, giving rise to 3-5 nuclear lobes connected by thin strands of chromatin. This latter stage is called the segmented neutrophil stage or mature polymorphonuclear neutrophil. Specific granules are difficult to identify in these cells. 1000x all

Neutrophilic band cells
The band cell stage follows the metamyelocyte stage, with cells developing an elongated nucleus of uniform width and a prominent horseshoe shape. The nucleus then develops constrictions, giving rise to 3-5 nuclear lobes connected by thin strands of chromatin. This latter stage is called the segmented neutrophil stage or mature polymorphonuclear neutrophil. Specific granules are difficult to identify in these cells. 1000x all

Segmented neutrophils
The band cell stage follows the metamyelocyte stage, with cells developing an elongated nucleus of uniform width and a prominent horseshoe shape. The nucleus then develops constrictions, giving rise to 3-5 nuclear lobes connected by thin strands of chromatin. This latter stage is called the segmented neutrophil stage or mature polymorphonuclear neutrophil. Specific granules are difficult to identify in these cells. 1000x all