Eccrine sweat gland
The duct of the gland stains more intensely than the secretory unit and is composed of a stratified cuboidal epithelium. The secretory unit is a simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium, depending on the secretory activity of the gland. 200x, 400x

Ducts >
The upper portion of the left image contains two or three ducts which meander through the dermis, thus producing isolated profiles in section. Other portions of the darkly staining ducts can be seen coiled within the secretory units.

Secretory units >
The secretory portions of glands are also visible, coiled with the beginnings of the ducts. The secretory tubules stain paler than do the ducts.

Blood vessels >
Blood vessels and nerves (not shown) are also present in the connective tissue and within the coils of the gland.

Area shown in next image
The next image is similar to that outlined by the rectangle.