Submandibular gland
The difference in staining qualities between serous acini and mucous tubules is obvious. Mucous tubules are elongated and stain palely due to the frothy, mucus content of the tubule cells. In contrast, the cytoplasm of the serous acinar cells stains darkly, reflecting their numerous secretory granules. No ducts are visible here. 400x

Serous acini
The difference in staining qualities between serous acini and mucous tubules is obvious. Mucous tubules are elongated and stain palely due to the frothy, mucus content of the tubule cells. In contrast, the cytoplasm of the serous acinar cells stains darkly, reflecting their numerous secretory granules. No ducts are visible here. 400x

Serous demilunes
The difference in staining qualities between serous acini and mucous tubules is obvious. Mucous tubules are elongated and stain palely due to the frothy, mucus content of the tubule cells. In contrast, the cytoplasm of the serous acinar cells stains darkly, reflecting their numerous secretory granules. No ducts are visible here. 400x

Mucus tubules
The difference in staining qualities between serous acini and mucous tubules is obvious. Mucous tubules are elongated and stain palely due to the frothy, mucus content of the tubule cells. In contrast, the cytoplasm of the serous acinar cells stains darkly, reflecting their numerous secretory granules. No ducts are visible here. 400x

- Mucous tubule lumens >
The lumens of mucus tubules are larger than those of acini, allowing passage of the thicker secretory product the tubules produce.