A small accumulation of adipocytes is visible in this loose connective tissue. This tissue has been fixed with osmium tetroxide, which preserves the large lipid droplet in the cytoplasm of the adipocyte and provides the brown-black staining of the lipid. The lipid in these vesicles consists of triglycerides and is not surrounded by a membrane. Toluidine blue stain. 1000x

Adipocytes filled with lipid
A small accumulation of adipocytes is visible in this loose connective tissue. This tissue has been fixed with osmium tetroxide, which preserves the large lipid droplet in the cytoplasm of the adipocyte and provides the brown-black staining of the lipid. The lipid in these vesicles consists of triglycerides and is not surrounded by a membrane. Toluidine blue stain. 1000x

Collagen fibers
A small accumulation of adipocytes is visible in this loose connective tissue. This tissue has been fixed with osmium tetroxide, which preserves the large lipid droplet in the cytoplasm of the adipocyte and provides the brown-black staining of the lipid. The lipid in these vesicles consists of triglycerides and is not surrounded by a membrane. Toluidine blue stain. 1000x

Peripheral nerve
A small accumulation of adipocytes is visible in this loose connective tissue. This tissue has been fixed with osmium tetroxide, which preserves the large lipid droplet in the cytoplasm of the adipocyte and provides the brown-black staining of the lipid. The lipid in these vesicles consists of triglycerides and is not surrounded by a membrane. Toluidine blue stain. 1000x