Golgi apparatus
With H&E preparations, the Golgi stains faintly pink and its location is indicated by a pale area adjacent to the nucleus in these plasma cells. This lightly stained region is referred to as a “negative GoIgi” that results from the displacement of the abundant, basophilically-stained RER around it. Plasma cells produce antibodies. 1000x

Plasma cells
With H&E preparations, the Golgi stains faintly pink and its location is indicated by a pale area adjacent to the nucleus in these plasma cells. This lightly stained region is referred to as a “negative GoIgi” that results from the displacement of the abundant, basophilically-stained RER around it. Plasma cells produce antibodies. 1000x

Negative Golgi
With H&E preparations, the Golgi stains faintly pink and its location is indicated by a pale area adjacent to the nucleus in these plasma cells. This lightly stained region is referred to as a “negative GoIgi” that results from the displacement of the abundant, basophilically-stained RER around it. Plasma cells produce antibodies. 1000x

With H&E preparations, the Golgi stains faintly pink and its location is indicated by a pale area adjacent to the nucleus in these plasma cells. This lightly stained region is referred to as a “negative GoIgi” that results from the displacement of the abundant, basophilically-stained RER around it. Plasma cells produce antibodies. 1000x

With H&E preparations, the Golgi stains faintly pink and its location is indicated by a pale area adjacent to the nucleus in these plasma cells. This lightly stained region is referred to as a “negative GoIgi” that results from the displacement of the abundant, basophilically-stained RER around it. Plasma cells produce antibodies. 1000x