Smooth muscle
Smooth muscle located in the wall of the digestive tract is arranged in distinct circular and longitudinal layers. Because smooth muscle fibers are splindle-shaped with a single, centrally located nucleus, cross sections of this tissue will display profiles of varying diameters, which may or may not contain the nucleus. 1000x

Muscle fibers, longitudinal section
Smooth muscle located in the wall of the digestive tract is arranged in distinct circular and longitudinal layers. Because smooth muscle fibers are splindle-shaped with a single, centrally located nucleus, cross sections of this tissue will display profiles of varying diameters, which may or may not contain the nucleus. 1000x

Muscle fibers, cross section
Smooth muscle located in the wall of the digestive tract is arranged in distinct circular and longitudinal layers. Because smooth muscle fibers are splindle-shaped with a single, centrally located nucleus, cross sections of this tissue will display profiles of varying diameters, which may or may not contain the nucleus. 1000x

Smooth muscle located in the wall of the digestive tract is arranged in distinct circular and longitudinal layers. Because smooth muscle fibers are splindle-shaped with a single, centrally located nucleus, cross sections of this tissue will display profiles of varying diameters, which may or may not contain the nucleus. 1000x

Organelles >
In smooth muscle fibers, the majority of non-contractile organelles, e.g., mitochondria and RER, are located at the poles of the nuclei.

Autonomic nerves >
Peripheral, autonomic nerves belonging to Auerbach’s plexus are located between the perpendicularly arranged smooth muscle layers. The nerves in the plexus supply the muscle, regulating contraction.