Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Pseudostratified epithelium has tall columnar and short basal cells, all of which contact the basement membrane. The layered appearance of the nuclei make this epithelium appear stratified, hence the term, pseudostratified. Because this is truly a simple epithelium, it can possess surface specializations, such as stereocilia. Epididymis 400x

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Pseudostratified epithelium has tall columnar and short basal cells, all of which contact the basement membrane. The layered appearance of the nuclei make this epithelium appear stratified, hence the term, pseudostratified. Because this is truly a simple epithelium, it can possess surface specializations, such as stereocilia. Epididymis 400x

- Columnar cells
Pseudostratified epithelium has tall columnar and short basal cells, all of which contact the basement membrane. The layered appearance of the nuclei make this epithelium appear stratified, hence the term, pseudostratified. Because this is truly a simple epithelium, it can possess surface specializations, such as stereocilia. Epididymis 400x

- Columnar cell nuclei
Pseudostratified epithelium has tall columnar and short basal cells, all of which contact the basement membrane. The layered appearance of the nuclei make this epithelium appear stratified, hence the term, pseudostratified. Because this is truly a simple epithelium, it can possess surface specializations, such as stereocilia. Epididymis 400x

- Basal cell nuclei
Pseudostratified epithelium has tall columnar and short basal cells, all of which contact the basement membrane. The layered appearance of the nuclei make this epithelium appear stratified, hence the term, pseudostratified. Because this is truly a simple epithelium, it can possess surface specializations, such as stereocilia. Epididymis 400x

- Stereocilia
Pseudostratified epithelium has tall columnar and short basal cells, all of which contact the basement membrane. The layered appearance of the nuclei make this epithelium appear stratified, hence the term, pseudostratified. Because this is truly a simple epithelium, it can possess surface specializations, such as stereocilia. Epididymis 400x

Basement membrane
Pseudostratified epithelium has tall columnar and short basal cells, all of which contact the basement membrane. The layered appearance of the nuclei make this epithelium appear stratified, hence the term, pseudostratified. Because this is truly a simple epithelium, it can possess surface specializations, such as stereocilia. Epididymis 400x

Terminal bars >
The terminal bar represents a complex of cell junctions located at the apex of the cell. These junctions provide for cell-to-cell attachment as well as preventing intercellular leakage of luminal contents. The individual components of the complex cannot be resolved with the light microscopic and thus they appear as a small, red dot or bar at the luminal surface of adjacent epithelial cells.