Stereocilia are modified microvilli which facilitate absorption of luminal contents. Also visible are terminal bars, the light microscopic term for junctional complexes that are better resolved with the electron microscope. 1500x

Pseudostratified, columnar epithelium
Stereocilia are modified microvilli which facilitate absorption of luminal contents. Also visible are terminal bars, the light microscopic term for junctional complexes that are better resolved with the electron microscope. 1500x

Stereocilia are modified microvilli which facilitate absorption of luminal contents. Also visible are terminal bars, the light microscopic term for junctional complexes that are better resolved with the electron microscope. 1500x

Terminal bars
Stereocilia are modified microvilli which facilitate absorption of luminal contents. Also visible are terminal bars, the light microscopic term for junctional complexes that are better resolved with the electron microscope. 1500x