Unicellular gland
The mucin in these goblet cells is located in the apex of the cell, with the nucleus and remaining cytoplasm located beneath it, creating the goblet-like shape. Goblet cells release mucin proteins which become hydrated, thereby forming mucus. Goblet cells are commonly found in simple columnar epithelia, such as this lining of the small intestine. 1000x

Goblet cell nuclei
The mucin in these goblet cells is located in the apex of the cell, with the nucleus and remaining cytoplasm located beneath it, creating the goblet-like shape. Goblet cells release mucin proteins which become hydrated, thereby forming mucus. Goblet cells are commonly found in simple columnar epithelia, such as this lining of the small intestine. 1000x

The mucin in these goblet cells is located in the apex of the cell, with the nucleus and remaining cytoplasm located beneath it, creating the goblet-like shape. Goblet cells release mucin proteins which become hydrated, thereby forming mucus. Goblet cells are commonly found in simple columnar epithelia, such as this lining of the small intestine. 1000x

Absorptive cells
The mucin in these goblet cells is located in the apex of the cell, with the nucleus and remaining cytoplasm located beneath it, creating the goblet-like shape. Goblet cells release mucin proteins which become hydrated, thereby forming mucus. Goblet cells are commonly found in simple columnar epithelia, such as this lining of the small intestine. 1000x

- Brush border
The mucin in these goblet cells is located in the apex of the cell, with the nucleus and remaining cytoplasm located beneath it, creating the goblet-like shape. Goblet cells release mucin proteins which become hydrated, thereby forming mucus. Goblet cells are commonly found in simple columnar epithelia, such as this lining of the small intestine. 1000x