Compound acinar gland
The pancreas is another example of a compound acinar gland. Like the parotid gland, the acini are spherical, with wedge-shaped cells. The cells accumulate eosinophilic secretory granules in their apices and display prominent basophilic rough endoplasmic reticulum at their bases. The compound duct system is also visible in this image. Pancreas 400x

The pancreas is another example of a compound acinar gland. Like the parotid gland, the acini are spherical, with wedge-shaped cells. The cells accumulate eosinophilic secretory granules in their apices and display prominent basophilic rough endoplasmic reticulum at their bases. The compound duct system is also visible in this image. Pancreas 400x

- Nuclei of secretory cells
The pancreas is another example of a compound acinar gland. Like the parotid gland, the acini are spherical, with wedge-shaped cells. The cells accumulate eosinophilic secretory granules in their apices and display prominent basophilic rough endoplasmic reticulum at their bases. The compound duct system is also visible in this image. Pancreas 400x

The pancreas is another example of a compound acinar gland. Like the parotid gland, the acini are spherical, with wedge-shaped cells. The cells accumulate eosinophilic secretory granules in their apices and display prominent basophilic rough endoplasmic reticulum at their bases. The compound duct system is also visible in this image. Pancreas 400x

- Secretory granules
The pancreas is another example of a compound acinar gland. Like the parotid gland, the acini are spherical, with wedge-shaped cells. The cells accumulate eosinophilic secretory granules in their apices and display prominent basophilic rough endoplasmic reticulum at their bases. The compound duct system is also visible in this image. Pancreas 400x

Intralobular duct
The pancreas is another example of a compound acinar gland. Like the parotid gland, the acini are spherical, with wedge-shaped cells. The cells accumulate eosinophilic secretory granules in their apices and display prominent basophilic rough endoplasmic reticulum at their bases. The compound duct system is also visible in this image. Pancreas 400x

The pancreas is another example of a compound acinar gland. Like the parotid gland, the acini are spherical, with wedge-shaped cells. The cells accumulate eosinophilic secretory granules in their apices and display prominent basophilic rough endoplasmic reticulum at their bases. The compound duct system is also visible in this image. Pancreas 400x