Compound acinar gland
This compound acinar gland shows acini typically organized like a cluster of grapes. Each acinus represents a single grape and the intralobular ducts represent the smallest stems. The acinar cells are filled with zymogen (enzyme-containing) secretory granules. Parotid gland 1000x

This compound acinar gland shows acini typically organized like a cluster of grapes. Each acinus represents a single grape and the intralobular ducts represent the smallest stems. The acinar cells are filled with zymogen (enzyme-containing) secretory granules. Parotid gland 1000x

- Acinar lumens
This compound acinar gland shows acini typically organized like a cluster of grapes. Each acinus represents a single grape and the intralobular ducts represent the smallest stems. The acinar cells are filled with zymogen (enzyme-containing) secretory granules. Parotid gland 1000x

- Secretory granules
This compound acinar gland shows acini typically organized like a cluster of grapes. Each acinus represents a single grape and the intralobular ducts represent the smallest stems. The acinar cells are filled with zymogen (enzyme-containing) secretory granules. Parotid gland 1000x

- Acinar cell nuclei
This compound acinar gland shows acini typically organized like a cluster of grapes. Each acinus represents a single grape and the intralobular ducts represent the smallest stems. The acinar cells are filled with zymogen (enzyme-containing) secretory granules. Parotid gland 1000x