Mucous connective tissue
A stellate mucous connective tissue cell is seen in the center of this electron micrograph from the umbilical cord. The euchromatic nucleus is surrounded by a pale-staining cytoplasm that contains relatively sparse organelles and glycogen. In some cells these organelles are concentrated at the poles of the nucleus. The extracellular matrix contains few, very thin collagen fibers and abundant, gelatinous ground substance.

Mucous cell
A stellate mucous connective tissue cell is seen in the center of this electron micrograph from the umbilical cord. The euchromatic nucleus is surrounded by a pale-staining cytoplasm that contains relatively sparse organelles and glycogen. In some cells these organelles are concentrated at the poles of the nucleus. The extracellular matrix contains few, very thin collagen fibers and abundant, gelatinous ground substance.

A stellate mucous connective tissue cell is seen in the center of this electron micrograph from the umbilical cord. The euchromatic nucleus is surrounded by a pale-staining cytoplasm that contains relatively sparse organelles and glycogen. In some cells these organelles are concentrated at the poles of the nucleus. The extracellular matrix contains few, very thin collagen fibers and abundant, gelatinous ground substance.

A stellate mucous connective tissue cell is seen in the center of this electron micrograph from the umbilical cord. The euchromatic nucleus is surrounded by a pale-staining cytoplasm that contains relatively sparse organelles and glycogen. In some cells these organelles are concentrated at the poles of the nucleus. The extracellular matrix contains few, very thin collagen fibers and abundant, gelatinous ground substance.

Cell processes
A stellate mucous connective tissue cell is seen in the center of this electron micrograph from the umbilical cord. The euchromatic nucleus is surrounded by a pale-staining cytoplasm that contains relatively sparse organelles and glycogen. In some cells these organelles are concentrated at the poles of the nucleus. The extracellular matrix contains few, very thin collagen fibers and abundant, gelatinous ground substance.

Ground substance
A stellate mucous connective tissue cell is seen in the center of this electron micrograph from the umbilical cord. The euchromatic nucleus is surrounded by a pale-staining cytoplasm that contains relatively sparse organelles and glycogen. In some cells these organelles are concentrated at the poles of the nucleus. The extracellular matrix contains few, very thin collagen fibers and abundant, gelatinous ground substance.

Collagen fibers
A stellate mucous connective tissue cell is seen in the center of this electron micrograph from the umbilical cord. The euchromatic nucleus is surrounded by a pale-staining cytoplasm that contains relatively sparse organelles and glycogen. In some cells these organelles are concentrated at the poles of the nucleus. The extracellular matrix contains few, very thin collagen fibers and abundant, gelatinous ground substance.

Image source >
This image was generated by Dr. Johannes A. G. Rhodin, “An Atlas of Histology” (Oxford Press, 1974) and maintained in the University of Michigan collection.