Mucous connective tissue
Mucous connective tissue is a primitive (embryonic) connective tissue that persists in the umbilical cord. Mucous connective tissue is composed of fibroblast-like cells, which can be spindle or stellate shaped. They produce the surrounding, abundant, gelatinous ground substance (Wharton’s jelly) and delicate collagen and reticular fibers. Umbilical cord 1000x

Mucous connective tissue is a primitive (embryonic) connective tissue that persists in the umbilical cord. Mucous connective tissue is composed of fibroblast-like cells, which can be spindle or stellate shaped. They produce the surrounding, abundant, gelatinous ground substance (Wharton’s jelly) and delicate collagen and reticular fibers. Umbilical cord 1000x

Mucous connective tissue is a primitive (embryonic) connective tissue that persists in the umbilical cord. Mucous connective tissue is composed of fibroblast-like cells, which can be spindle or stellate shaped. They produce the surrounding, abundant, gelatinous ground substance (Wharton’s jelly) and delicate collagen and reticular fibers. Umbilical cord 1000x

Ground substance
Mucous connective tissue is a primitive (embryonic) connective tissue that persists in the umbilical cord. Mucous connective tissue is composed of fibroblast-like cells, which can be spindle or stellate shaped. They produce the surrounding, abundant, gelatinous ground substance (Wharton’s jelly) and delicate collagen and reticular fibers. Umbilical cord 1000x

Image source >
Image taken of a slide in the University of Cincinnati collection.