White adipose connective tissue
This adipose connective tissue is white adipose tissue, made up of adipocytes with a single lipid droplet (unilocular adipocytes). White adipose tissue predominates in the adult and functions to store lipid. A second type of adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue, contains cells with multiple lipid droplets (multilocular adipocytes) and is found in infants and hibernating animals. Hypodermis 400x

This adipose connective tissue is white adipose tissue, made up of adipocytes with a single lipid droplet (unilocular adipocytes). White adipose tissue predominates in the adult and functions to store lipid. A second type of adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue, contains cells with multiple lipid droplets (multilocular adipocytes) and is found in infants and hibernating animals. Hypodermis 400x

Adipocyte nuclei
This adipose connective tissue is white adipose tissue, made up of adipocytes with a single lipid droplet (unilocular adipocytes). White adipose tissue predominates in the adult and functions to store lipid. A second type of adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue, contains cells with multiple lipid droplets (multilocular adipocytes) and is found in infants and hibernating animals. Hypodermis 400x

Lipid >
In routinely prepared tissues, the alcohol dehydration step dissolves the lipid, thus leaving a large empty space. Lipid fixatives, such as osmium tetroxide, are necessary to retain the lipid.