Bone: classification
When classifying bone, first decide if the tissue is compact or spongy and then if it is woven or lamellar. Combine one of each of these pairs of words in classifying bone. The four classifications of bone, therefore, are: compact lamellar bone; compact woven bone; spongy lamellar bone; and spongy woven bone. 200x, 100x
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This image shows a region of remodeling bone of the outer circumferential lamellae (note the periosteum in the upper right). There is no evidence of lamellae and the osteocytes appear more randomly arranged. Thus this tissue is classified as compact, woven bone.
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This bone is almost solid bone with little non-bone spaces (arrows, Haversian canals) within it. This bone is composed of both linearly arranged and concentrically arranged lamellae. Therefore, this bone is classified as compact, lamellar bone.