Bone: classification
When classifying bone, first decide if the tissue is compact or spongy and then if it is woven or lamellar. Combine one of each of these pairs of words in classifying bone. The four classifications of bone, therefore, are: compact lamellar bone; compact woven bone; spongy lamellar bone; and spongy woven bone. 200x, 200x

Left image >
The image on the left is comprised almost entirely of bone tissue, with minimal intervening spaces (black arrows). Therefore, this is compact bone. Additionally, there is no evidence of lamellae; osteocyte lacunae are numerous and rounded; and the bone stains faintly bluish. Therefore, this is woven bone and the tissue would be correctly classified as compact woven bone.

Right image >
Because there is more non-bone tissue (bone marrow, specifically) than bone tissue (arrow), this is spongy bone. Lamellae are evident; the bone stains a definite red color; and the osteocyte lacunae are flattened. Therefore, this is spongy, lamellar bone.