Respiratory mucosa
The mucosa of the majority of the conducting passageways (through the larger bronchioles) is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia. A lamina propria consisting of loose connective tissue is located beneath the epithelium. Either a smooth muscle layer or an elastic lamina is frequently present in the lamina propria. 400x, 400x

The mucosa of the majority of the conducting passageways (through the larger bronchioles) is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia. A lamina propria consisting of loose connective tissue is located beneath the epithelium. Either a smooth muscle layer or an elastic lamina is frequently present in the lamina propria. 400x, 400x

Basement membrane
The mucosa of the majority of the conducting passageways (through the larger bronchioles) is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia. A lamina propria consisting of loose connective tissue is located beneath the epithelium. Either a smooth muscle layer or an elastic lamina is frequently present in the lamina propria. 400x, 400x

Lamina propria
The mucosa of the majority of the conducting passageways (through the larger bronchioles) is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia. A lamina propria consisting of loose connective tissue is located beneath the epithelium. Either a smooth muscle layer or an elastic lamina is frequently present in the lamina propria. 400x, 400x

- Muscularis mucosae
The mucosa of the majority of the conducting passageways (through the larger bronchioles) is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia. A lamina propria consisting of loose connective tissue is located beneath the epithelium. Either a smooth muscle layer or an elastic lamina is frequently present in the lamina propria. 400x, 400x

- Elastic lamina
The mucosa of the majority of the conducting passageways (through the larger bronchioles) is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia. A lamina propria consisting of loose connective tissue is located beneath the epithelium. Either a smooth muscle layer or an elastic lamina is frequently present in the lamina propria. 400x, 400x