Respiratory epithelium
The epithelium that lines much of the respiratory system is pseudostratified columnar; the basement membrane is often very prominent. This epithelium typically possesses goblet cells and cilia. 1000x

The epithelium that lines much of the respiratory system is pseudostratified columnar; the basement membrane is often very prominent. This epithelium typically possesses goblet cells and cilia. 1000x

Basement membrane
The epithelium that lines much of the respiratory system is pseudostratified columnar; the basement membrane is often very prominent. This epithelium typically possesses goblet cells and cilia. 1000x

The epithelium that lines much of the respiratory system is pseudostratified columnar; the basement membrane is often very prominent. This epithelium typically possesses goblet cells and cilia. 1000x

Goblet cells
The epithelium that lines much of the respiratory system is pseudostratified columnar; the basement membrane is often very prominent. This epithelium typically possesses goblet cells and cilia. 1000x

Lamina propria
The epithelium that lines much of the respiratory system is pseudostratified columnar; the basement membrane is often very prominent. This epithelium typically possesses goblet cells and cilia. 1000x