Uterus: secretory phase (Days 14-26)
The secretory phases shown here are later in the cycle than the previous two images. The endometrium has reached its greatest thickness (left) and has abundant sacculated glands. The image on the right was taken later during the menstrual cycle (probably around day 25) than the image on the left. 10x, 10x

Basal zone
The secretory phases shown here are later in the cycle than the previous two images. The endometrium has reached its greatest thickness (left) and has abundant sacculated glands. The image on the right was taken later during the menstrual cycle (probably around day 25) than the image on the left. 10x, 10x

Functional zone
The secretory phases shown here are later in the cycle than the previous two images. The endometrium has reached its greatest thickness (left) and has abundant sacculated glands. The image on the right was taken later during the menstrual cycle (probably around day 25) than the image on the left. 10x, 10x

The secretory phases shown here are later in the cycle than the previous two images. The endometrium has reached its greatest thickness (left) and has abundant sacculated glands. The image on the right was taken later during the menstrual cycle (probably around day 25) than the image on the left. 10x, 10x

The secretory phases shown here are later in the cycle than the previous two images. The endometrium has reached its greatest thickness (left) and has abundant sacculated glands. The image on the right was taken later during the menstrual cycle (probably around day 25) than the image on the left. 10x, 10x

Next image
The next image is similar to the area outlined by the rectangle.

Image source >
This image was taken of a slide in the University of Mississippi collection.