Uterus: secretory phase (Days 14-26)
During the early part of the secretory phase, the endometrium is thicker and the glands are more sacculated than during the proliferative portion of the cycle. Secretory product, just beginning to accumulate in the lumens of some glands, will become more abundant by the time of implantation, about day 21. 100x

Basal zone >
The basal zone stains darker than the functional zone because cells in this region are smaller and more densely packed. The functional zone continues to thicken under the influence of progesterone and estrogen from the corpus luteum. Simple tubular glands are increasing in size and becoming sacculated; secretions are present in the some of the lumens.

Functional zone
The basal zone stains darker than the functional zone because cells in this region are smaller and more densely packed. The functional zone continues to thicken under the influence of progesterone and estrogen from the corpus luteum. Simple tubular glands are increasing in size and becoming sacculated; secretions are present in the some of the lumens.

The basal zone stains darker than the functional zone because cells in this region are smaller and more densely packed. The functional zone continues to thicken under the influence of progesterone and estrogen from the corpus luteum. Simple tubular glands are increasing in size and becoming sacculated; secretions are present in the some of the lumens.

Myometrium >
A small portion of the myometrium is visible.