Overview: Spleen
Lymph exits the lymph node and is carried via increasingly larger lymph vessels to eventually drain into the blood vascular system. The spleen monitors the blood passing through it and responds to any blood-borne antigens. The spleen also functions in the breakdown and recycling of aged (senescent) red blood cells and platelets. 40X

Spleen >
The spleen, the largest lymphoid organ, filters blood and, therefore, elicits an immune response against any blood-borne antigen. Blood enters the spleen via the splenic artery. Uncontrolled bacterial growth in the blood results in septicemia, sometimes referred to “blood poisoning”.

Lymph vessel
The spleen, the largest lymphoid organ, filters blood and, therefore, elicits an immune response against any blood-borne antigen. Blood enters the spleen via the splenic artery. Uncontrolled bacterial growth in the blood results in septicemia, sometimes referred to “blood poisoning”.

The spleen, the largest lymphoid organ, filters blood and, therefore, elicits an immune response against any blood-borne antigen. Blood enters the spleen via the splenic artery. Uncontrolled bacterial growth in the blood results in septicemia, sometimes referred to “blood poisoning”.

The spleen, the largest lymphoid organ, filters blood and, therefore, elicits an immune response against any blood-borne antigen. Blood enters the spleen via the splenic artery. Uncontrolled bacterial growth in the blood results in septicemia, sometimes referred to “blood poisoning”.