Individual endocrine cells
Individual endocrine cells occur scattered throughout the digestive, respiratory and urinary systems, forming the diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES). This image of the bases of fundic glands of the stomach illustrates the endocrine cells present here. 1000x”

Endocrine cells >
Individual DNES cells in the digestive system are also called enteroendocrine cells and represent at least 10-12 different cell types, each secreting a specific hormone. These cells are located at the periphery of each gland and release their hormones into the lamina propria, where they can enter blood vessels (endocrine) or influence adjacent exocrine cells (paracrine).

- Secretory granules
Because these cells release their secretory product into the lamina propria surrounding the glands rather than into the lumen of the gland, their secretory granules are located on the side of the cell facing the lamina propria.