The cochlea, part of the osseous labyrinth, consists of a long, hollow tube that is coiled into a spiral, resembling a snail shell. The cochlear duct, the membranous labyrinth in the cochlea, lies in the middle of the cochlea, dividing it into thirds. The cochlear duct houses the organ of Corti, the receptor for audition or hearing.

Tympanic membrane
The cochlea, part of the osseous labyrinth, consists of a long, hollow tube that is coiled into a spiral, resembling a snail shell. The cochlear duct, the membranous labyrinth in the cochlea, lies in the middle of the cochlea, dividing it into thirds. The cochlear duct houses the organ of Corti, the receptor for audition or hearing.

Middle ear
The cochlea, part of the osseous labyrinth, consists of a long, hollow tube that is coiled into a spiral, resembling a snail shell. The cochlear duct, the membranous labyrinth in the cochlea, lies in the middle of the cochlea, dividing it into thirds. The cochlear duct houses the organ of Corti, the receptor for audition or hearing.

- Ossicles
The cochlea, part of the osseous labyrinth, consists of a long, hollow tube that is coiled into a spiral, resembling a snail shell. The cochlear duct, the membranous labyrinth in the cochlea, lies in the middle of the cochlea, dividing it into thirds. The cochlear duct houses the organ of Corti, the receptor for audition or hearing.

The cochlea, part of the osseous labyrinth, consists of a long, hollow tube that is coiled into a spiral, resembling a snail shell. The cochlear duct, the membranous labyrinth in the cochlea, lies in the middle of the cochlea, dividing it into thirds. The cochlear duct houses the organ of Corti, the receptor for audition or hearing.

The cochlea, part of the osseous labyrinth, consists of a long, hollow tube that is coiled into a spiral, resembling a snail shell. The cochlear duct, the membranous labyrinth in the cochlea, lies in the middle of the cochlea, dividing it into thirds. The cochlear duct houses the organ of Corti, the receptor for audition or hearing.

- Cochlear duct
The cochlea, part of the osseous labyrinth, consists of a long, hollow tube that is coiled into a spiral, resembling a snail shell. The cochlear duct, the membranous labyrinth in the cochlea, lies in the middle of the cochlea, dividing it into thirds. The cochlear duct houses the organ of Corti, the receptor for audition or hearing.