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Late bell stage of tooth development

This high magnification image of the developing crown of the tooth at the late bell stage shows the differentiating cells of the enamel organ and the dental papilla.

Outer enamel epithelium >  <p>The outer enamel epithelium consists of cuboidal ectodermal cells that form the outer surface of the enamel organ. </p>

Outer enamel epithelium >

The outer enamel epithelium consists of cuboidal ectodermal cells that form the outer surface of the enamel organ.

Inner enamel epithelium >  <p>The inner enamel epithelium consists of columnar ectodermal cells that form the inner surface of the enamel organ in close proximity to the ectomesenchymal cells of the papilla.  During the late bell stage, these cells first differentiate into pre-ameloblasts and then into fully differentiated ameloblasts, capable of depositing enamel. At this stage, pre-ameloblasts are indistinguishable from the cells of the inner enamel epithelium, and they have not yet differentiated into ameloblasts.  </p>

Inner enamel epithelium >

The inner enamel epithelium consists of columnar ectodermal cells that form the inner surface of the enamel organ in close proximity to the ectomesenchymal cells of the papilla. During the late bell stage, these cells first differentiate into pre-ameloblasts and then into fully differentiated ameloblasts, capable of depositing enamel. At this stage, pre-ameloblasts are indistinguishable from the cells of the inner enamel epithelium, and they have not yet differentiated into ameloblasts.

Stratum intermedium >  <p>The stratum intermedium consists of a transient population of 2 to 3 layers of cells located between the inner enamel epithelium and the stellate reticulum.  These cells are derived from the inner enamel epithelium and play a critical role in the differentiation of ameloblasts.</p>

Stratum intermedium >

The stratum intermedium consists of a transient population of 2 to 3 layers of cells located between the inner enamel epithelium and the stellate reticulum. These cells are derived from the inner enamel epithelium and play a critical role in the differentiation of ameloblasts.

Reduced enamel epithelium >  <p>Starting at the cusp of the tooth, the cell layers of the enamel organ condense into the reduced enamel epithelium. It consists of the inner enamel epithelium (pre-ameloblasts, ameloblasts), the stratum intermedium, cellular remnants of the stellate reticulum, and the outer enamel epithelium. The reduced enamel epithelium allows nutrient transfer to the pre-ameloblasts and ameloblasts once enamel formation begins and also aids in tooth eruption. </p>

Reduced enamel epithelium >

Starting at the cusp of the tooth, the cell layers of the enamel organ condense into the reduced enamel epithelium. It consists of the inner enamel epithelium (pre-ameloblasts, ameloblasts), the stratum intermedium, cellular remnants of the stellate reticulum, and the outer enamel epithelium. The reduced enamel epithelium allows nutrient transfer to the pre-ameloblasts and ameloblasts once enamel formation begins and also aids in tooth eruption.

Stellate reticulum >  <p>The ectodermal cells within the enamel organ secrete glycosaminoglycans that draw water into the tissue, causing the cells in the stellate reticulum to look star-shaped. The large stellate reticulum allows for the morphodifferentiation of the crown of the tooth. At the cusp of this tooth, the stellate reticulum is condensed with the other layers of the enamel organ. </p>

Stellate reticulum >

The ectodermal cells within the enamel organ secrete glycosaminoglycans that draw water into the tissue, causing the cells in the stellate reticulum to look star-shaped. The large stellate reticulum allows for the morphodifferentiation of the crown of the tooth. At the cusp of this tooth, the stellate reticulum is condensed with the other layers of the enamel organ.

Pre-odontoblasts >  <p>During the bell stage, the ectomesenchymal stem cells adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium differentiate into columnar-shaped pre-odontoblasts and eventually odontoblasts.  During this process, the basement membrane of the pre-ameloblasts is degraded allowing for the reciprocal signaling necessary for the development of odontoblasts and ameloblasts.  Odontoblasts will secrete pre-dentin, the organic matrix of dentin that will eventually become mineralized.  The remainder of the dental papilla forms the dental pulp.</p>

Pre-odontoblasts >

During the bell stage, the ectomesenchymal stem cells adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium differentiate into columnar-shaped pre-odontoblasts and eventually odontoblasts. During this process, the basement membrane of the pre-ameloblasts is degraded allowing for the reciprocal signaling necessary for the development of odontoblasts and ameloblasts. Odontoblasts will secrete pre-dentin, the organic matrix of dentin that will eventually become mineralized. The remainder of the dental papilla forms the dental pulp.

 - Basement membrane >  <p>Basement membrane of the inner enamel epithelium.</p>

- Basement membrane >

Basement membrane of the inner enamel epithelium.

Dental papilla <p>During the bell stage, the ectomesenchymal stem cells adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium differentiate into columnar-shaped pre-odontoblasts and eventually odontoblasts.  During this process, the basement membrane of the pre-ameloblasts is degraded allowing for the reciprocal signaling necessary for the development of odontoblasts and ameloblasts.  Odontoblasts secrete pre-dentin, the organic matrix of dentin that will eventually become mineralized.  The remainder of the dental papilla forms the dental pulp.</p>

Dental papilla

During the bell stage, the ectomesenchymal stem cells adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium differentiate into columnar-shaped pre-odontoblasts and eventually odontoblasts. During this process, the basement membrane of the pre-ameloblasts is degraded allowing for the reciprocal signaling necessary for the development of odontoblasts and ameloblasts. Odontoblasts secrete pre-dentin, the organic matrix of dentin that will eventually become mineralized. The remainder of the dental papilla forms the dental pulp.