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Bud stage of tooth development

Tooth development begins with the bud stage, during which the overlying ectoderm of the dental lamina grows down into the underlying ectomesenchyme. Seen here are bud stages from opposites of the developing oral cavity.

Ectoderm >  <p>The ectoderm of the dental lamina invaginates into the underlying ectomesenchyme forming a structure resembling a flower bud.</p>

Ectoderm >

The ectoderm of the dental lamina invaginates into the underlying ectomesenchyme forming a structure resembling a flower bud.

 - Tooth bud  <p>The ectoderm of the dental lamina invaginates into the underlying ectomesenchyme forming a structure resembling a flower bud.</p>

- Tooth bud

The ectoderm of the dental lamina invaginates into the underlying ectomesenchyme forming a structure resembling a flower bud.

Ectomesenchyme >  <p>Ectomesenchyme is a unique tissue that develops from neural crest cells that migrate from the neural tube during embryological development.  Ectomesenchyme gives rise to a number of cell types including odontoblasts that form dentin in the tooth.  </p>

Ectomesenchyme >

Ectomesenchyme is a unique tissue that develops from neural crest cells that migrate from the neural tube during embryological development. Ectomesenchyme gives rise to a number of cell types including odontoblasts that form dentin in the tooth.

Oral cavity <p>Tooth development begins with the bud stage, during which the overlying ectoderm of the dental lamina grows down into the underlying ectomesenchyme.  Seen here are bud stages from opposites of the developing oral cavity.  </p>

Oral cavity

Tooth development begins with the bud stage, during which the overlying ectoderm of the dental lamina grows down into the underlying ectomesenchyme. Seen here are bud stages from opposites of the developing oral cavity.

Image source >  <p>This image is taken of slide in the University of South Dakota collection.</p>

Image source >

This image is taken of slide in the University of South Dakota collection.