Tongue: Circumvallate papillae
Each circumvallate papilla is surrounded by a deep, circular sulcus into which the serous glands of von Ebner empty. The connection between the duct of the glands and the sulcus is visible. The secretory cells of the glands contain apical eosinophilic granules; their watery secretions cleanse the surfaces of the taste buds for the reception of new tastes. 400x

Circumvallate papilla
Each circumvallate papilla is surrounded by a deep, circular sulcus into which the serous glands of von Ebner empty. The connection between the duct of the glands and the sulcus is visible. The secretory cells of the glands contain apical eosinophilic granules; their watery secretions cleanse the surfaces of the taste buds for the reception of new tastes. 400x

Each circumvallate papilla is surrounded by a deep, circular sulcus into which the serous glands of von Ebner empty. The connection between the duct of the glands and the sulcus is visible. The secretory cells of the glands contain apical eosinophilic granules; their watery secretions cleanse the surfaces of the taste buds for the reception of new tastes. 400x

Serous glands of von Ebner
Each circumvallate papilla is surrounded by a deep, circular sulcus into which the serous glands of von Ebner empty. The connection between the duct of the glands and the sulcus is visible. The secretory cells of the glands contain apical eosinophilic granules; their watery secretions cleanse the surfaces of the taste buds for the reception of new tastes. 400x

Ducts of glands
Each circumvallate papilla is surrounded by a deep, circular sulcus into which the serous glands of von Ebner empty. The connection between the duct of the glands and the sulcus is visible. The secretory cells of the glands contain apical eosinophilic granules; their watery secretions cleanse the surfaces of the taste buds for the reception of new tastes. 400x

Taste buds
Each circumvallate papilla is surrounded by a deep, circular sulcus into which the serous glands of von Ebner empty. The connection between the duct of the glands and the sulcus is visible. The secretory cells of the glands contain apical eosinophilic granules; their watery secretions cleanse the surfaces of the taste buds for the reception of new tastes. 400x

Each circumvallate papilla is surrounded by a deep, circular sulcus into which the serous glands of von Ebner empty. The connection between the duct of the glands and the sulcus is visible. The secretory cells of the glands contain apical eosinophilic granules; their watery secretions cleanse the surfaces of the taste buds for the reception of new tastes. 400x

Image source >
This image was taken of a slide from the University of Mississippi collection.