Sublingual gland
The sublingual glands, paired, compound tubuloacinar glands, lie in the floor of the mouth and open by multiple ducts into that area. Mucous tubules predominate and serous-secreting cells are most frequently arranged as serous demilunes. Intralobular ducts are less numerous here because of the abundance of tubules, which serve as their own ducts. 40x

The sublingual glands, paired, compound tubuloacinar glands, lie in the floor of the mouth and open by multiple ducts into that area. Mucous tubules predominate and serous-secreting cells are most frequently arranged as serous demilunes. Intralobular ducts are less numerous here because of the abundance of tubules, which serve as their own ducts. 40x

Mucous tubules
The sublingual glands, paired, compound tubuloacinar glands, lie in the floor of the mouth and open by multiple ducts into that area. Mucous tubules predominate and serous-secreting cells are most frequently arranged as serous demilunes. Intralobular ducts are less numerous here because of the abundance of tubules, which serve as their own ducts. 40x

Serous cells
The sublingual glands, paired, compound tubuloacinar glands, lie in the floor of the mouth and open by multiple ducts into that area. Mucous tubules predominate and serous-secreting cells are most frequently arranged as serous demilunes. Intralobular ducts are less numerous here because of the abundance of tubules, which serve as their own ducts. 40x

Intralobular ducts
The sublingual glands, paired, compound tubuloacinar glands, lie in the floor of the mouth and open by multiple ducts into that area. Mucous tubules predominate and serous-secreting cells are most frequently arranged as serous demilunes. Intralobular ducts are less numerous here because of the abundance of tubules, which serve as their own ducts. 40x