Submandibular gland
Each submandibular gland is compound tubuloacinar, with serous acini more numerous than mucous tubules. Submandibular glands lie in the floor of the mouth and their excretory ducts empty just lateral to the frenulum of the tongue. Intralobular ducts are less numerous than in the parotid, but are still common. 40x

Serous acini
Each submandibular gland is compound tubuloacinar, with serous acini more numerous than mucous tubules. Submandibular glands lie in the floor of the mouth and their excretory ducts empty just lateral to the frenulum of the tongue. Intralobular ducts are less numerous than in the parotid, but are still common. 40x

Mucous tubules
Each submandibular gland is compound tubuloacinar, with serous acini more numerous than mucous tubules. Submandibular glands lie in the floor of the mouth and their excretory ducts empty just lateral to the frenulum of the tongue. Intralobular ducts are less numerous than in the parotid, but are still common. 40x

Intralobular ducts
Each submandibular gland is compound tubuloacinar, with serous acini more numerous than mucous tubules. Submandibular glands lie in the floor of the mouth and their excretory ducts empty just lateral to the frenulum of the tongue. Intralobular ducts are less numerous than in the parotid, but are still common. 40x

Interlobular ducts
Each submandibular gland is compound tubuloacinar, with serous acini more numerous than mucous tubules. Submandibular glands lie in the floor of the mouth and their excretory ducts empty just lateral to the frenulum of the tongue. Intralobular ducts are less numerous than in the parotid, but are still common. 40x