This pancreatic acinus shows both the organelles of the acinar cells as well as the exit of an intercalated duct, filled with secretory product. 5000x

This pancreatic acinus shows both the organelles of the acinar cells as well as the exit of an intercalated duct, filled with secretory product. 5000x

- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
This pancreatic acinus shows both the organelles of the acinar cells as well as the exit of an intercalated duct, filled with secretory product. 5000x

- Secretory granules
This pancreatic acinus shows both the organelles of the acinar cells as well as the exit of an intercalated duct, filled with secretory product. 5000x

Intercalated duct
This pancreatic acinus shows both the organelles of the acinar cells as well as the exit of an intercalated duct, filled with secretory product. 5000x