Images of acini show the beginning of the duct system starting with the centroacinar cells. In the top row, centroacinar cells are seen in the center of the acinus. In the bottom row, the first portion of the intercalated duct is visible as well as its continuity with the centroacinar cells. 1000x

Centroacinar cells
Images of acini show the beginning of the duct system starting with the centroacinar cells. In the top row, centroacinar cells are seen in the center of the acinus. In the bottom row, the first portion of the intercalated duct is visible as well as its continuity with the centroacinar cells. 1000x

Intercalated duct cells
Images of acini show the beginning of the duct system starting with the centroacinar cells. In the top row, centroacinar cells are seen in the center of the acinus. In the bottom row, the first portion of the intercalated duct is visible as well as its continuity with the centroacinar cells. 1000x

Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Images of acini show the beginning of the duct system starting with the centroacinar cells. In the top row, centroacinar cells are seen in the center of the acinus. In the bottom row, the first portion of the intercalated duct is visible as well as its continuity with the centroacinar cells. 1000x

Secretory granules
Images of acini show the beginning of the duct system starting with the centroacinar cells. In the top row, centroacinar cells are seen in the center of the acinus. In the bottom row, the first portion of the intercalated duct is visible as well as its continuity with the centroacinar cells. 1000x