The pancreas is both an exocrine (compound acinar) and an endocrine (islets of Langerhans) gland. The exocrine pancreas releases alkaline secretions, containing enzymes, into the duodenum that aid in food digestion and neutralize the acidity of chyme leaving the stomach. The islets synthesize hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. 40x

The pancreas is both an exocrine (compound acinar) and an endocrine (islets of Langerhans) gland. The exocrine pancreas releases alkaline secretions, containing enzymes, into the duodenum that aid in food digestion and neutralize the acidity of chyme leaving the stomach. The islets synthesize hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. 40x

Islets of Langerhans >
The islets of Langerhans appear as isolated clusters of endocrine-secreting cells surrounded by the exocrine acini. The major secretions of islet cells are insulin and glucagon that regulate blood glucose levels. Islets differentiate from the developing exocrine duct system and constitute 1-2% of the pancreas volume.

Acini >
The exocrine pancreas, a compound acinar gland, comprises most of the pancreas. The pancreas has fewer intralobular and interlobular ducts than would be expected for a gland of its size and composition.

Intralobular duct
The exocrine pancreas, a compound acinar gland, comprises most of the pancreas. The pancreas has fewer intralobular and interlobular ducts than would be expected for a gland of its size and composition.

Interlobular duct
The exocrine pancreas, a compound acinar gland, comprises most of the pancreas. The pancreas has fewer intralobular and interlobular ducts than would be expected for a gland of its size and composition.

Interlobular CT
The exocrine pancreas, a compound acinar gland, comprises most of the pancreas. The pancreas has fewer intralobular and interlobular ducts than would be expected for a gland of its size and composition.

Image source >
Image taken of a slide in the University of Mississippi collection.