Gall bladder: muscularis externa
The muscularis external shows the interlacing bundles of longitudinal, transverse and oblique smooth muscle, as well as intervening connective tissue. Both a muscularis mucosae and a submucosa are absent in the gall bladder. 400x

The muscularis external shows the interlacing bundles of longitudinal, transverse and oblique smooth muscle, as well as intervening connective tissue. Both a muscularis mucosae and a submucosa are absent in the gall bladder. 400x

- Infoldings
The muscularis external shows the interlacing bundles of longitudinal, transverse and oblique smooth muscle, as well as intervening connective tissue. Both a muscularis mucosae and a submucosa are absent in the gall bladder. 400x

Lamina propria
The muscularis external shows the interlacing bundles of longitudinal, transverse and oblique smooth muscle, as well as intervening connective tissue. Both a muscularis mucosae and a submucosa are absent in the gall bladder. 400x

Muscularis externa
The muscularis external shows the interlacing bundles of longitudinal, transverse and oblique smooth muscle, as well as intervening connective tissue. Both a muscularis mucosae and a submucosa are absent in the gall bladder. 400x

- Smooth muscle fascicles
The muscularis external shows the interlacing bundles of longitudinal, transverse and oblique smooth muscle, as well as intervening connective tissue. Both a muscularis mucosae and a submucosa are absent in the gall bladder. 400x

- Connective tissue
The muscularis external shows the interlacing bundles of longitudinal, transverse and oblique smooth muscle, as well as intervening connective tissue. Both a muscularis mucosae and a submucosa are absent in the gall bladder. 400x