Gall bladder
The mucosa of the gall bladder is extensively infolded, particularly when the gall bladder is empty. Simple columnar epithelium with short microvilli lines the lumen and the infoldings. 200X

The mucosa of the gall bladder is extensively infolded, particularly when the gall bladder is empty. Simple columnar epithelium with short microvilli lines the lumen and the infoldings. 200X

Mucosal infoldings
The mucosa of the gall bladder is extensively infolded, particularly when the gall bladder is empty. Simple columnar epithelium with short microvilli lines the lumen and the infoldings. 200X

Lamina propria
The mucosa of the gall bladder is extensively infolded, particularly when the gall bladder is empty. Simple columnar epithelium with short microvilli lines the lumen and the infoldings. 200X

Muscularis externa
The mucosa of the gall bladder is extensively infolded, particularly when the gall bladder is empty. Simple columnar epithelium with short microvilli lines the lumen and the infoldings. 200X

Image source >
Image taken of slide in the University of Mississippi collection.