Small vein
Venules continue into small veins, which possess a thin tunica media, composed of scattered smooth muscle, and a prominent tunica adventitia. Like venules, veins also possess valves. The wall of the small vein is much thinner and less regular than that of the small artery it accompanies. 100x

Small vein
Venules continue into small veins, which possess a thin tunica media, composed of scattered smooth muscle, and a prominent tunica adventitia. Like venules, veins also possess valves. The wall of the small vein is much thinner and less regular than that of the small artery it accompanies. 100x

Small artery
Venules continue into small veins, which possess a thin tunica media, composed of scattered smooth muscle, and a prominent tunica adventitia. Like venules, veins also possess valves. The wall of the small vein is much thinner and less regular than that of the small artery it accompanies. 100x

Tunica media
Venules continue into small veins, which possess a thin tunica media, composed of scattered smooth muscle, and a prominent tunica adventitia. Like venules, veins also possess valves. The wall of the small vein is much thinner and less regular than that of the small artery it accompanies. 100x

Tunica adventitia
Venules lead into small veins, which possess a thin tunica media, composed of scattered smooth muscle, and a prominent tunica adventitia. Like venules, veins also possess valves. The wall of the small vein is much thinner and less regular than that of the small artery it accompanies. 100x

Valve flap
Venules continue into small veins, which possess a thin tunica media, composed of scattered smooth muscle, and a prominent tunica adventitia. Like venules, veins also possess valves. The wall of the small vein is much thinner and less regular than that of the small artery it accompanies. 100x

Peripheral nerve
Venules continue into small veins, which possess a thin tunica media, composed of scattered smooth muscle, and a prominent tunica adventitia. Like venules, veins also possess valves. The wall of the small vein is much thinner and less regular than that of the small artery it accompanies. 100x