Small artery
Small arteries are distinguished by having a prominent internal elastic lamina, three to eight layers of smooth muscle in the tunica media and a tunica adventitia. The external elastic lamina is highly reduced or may be absent entirely in small arteries. 400x

Small arteries are distinguished by having a prominent internal elastic lamina, three to eight layers of smooth muscle in the tunica media and a tunica adventitia. The external elastic lamina is highly reduced or may be absent entirely in small arteries. 400x

Internal elastic lamina
Small arteries are distinguished by having a prominent internal elastic lamina, three to eight layers of smooth muscle in the tunica media and a tunica adventitia. The external elastic lamina is highly reduced or may be absent entirely in small arteries. 400x

Tunica media
Small arteries are distinguished by having a prominent internal elastic lamina, three to eight layers of smooth muscle in the tunica media and a tunica adventitia. The external elastic lamina is highly reduced or may be absent entirely in small arteries. 400x

Tunica adventitia
Small arteries are distinguished by having a prominent internal elastic lamina, three to eight layers of smooth muscle in the tunica media and a tunica adventitia. The external elastic lamina is highly reduced or may be absent entirely in small arteries. 400x