Rough endoplasmic reticulum
In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

RER cisterns
In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

- Cistern lumen
In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

Outer nuclear membrane
In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

Inner nuclear membrane
In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

Perinuclear space
In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

Lipid droplet
In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x

In actively secreting cells, the RER is very extensive and consists of large numbers of interconnecting, flattened sacs or cisterns. Also visible in this field is the nuclear envelope showing ribosomes on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer nuclear membrane. Mitochondria and lipid droplets are also present. 40,000x