Rough endoplasmic reticulum and polysomes
Another example of the arrangement of protein synthetic structures is Nissl substance in neurons. Nissl, containing RER and polysomes in large aggregations, is most prominent in large neurons. The structure of the RER and ribosomes is not resolved with the light microscope. 1000x

Nissl substance
Another example of the arrangement of protein synthetic structures is Nissl substance in neurons. Nissl, containing RER and polysomes in large aggregations, is most prominent in large neurons. The structure of the RER and ribosomes is not resolved with the light microscope. 1000x

Another example of the arrangement of protein synthetic structures is Nissl substance in neurons. Nissl, containing RER and polysomes in large aggregations, is most prominent in large neurons. The structure of the RER and ribosomes is not resolved with the light microscope. 1000x

- Nucleoli
Another example of the arrangement of protein synthetic structures is Nissl substance in neurons. Nissl, containing RER and polysomes in large aggregations, is most prominent in large neurons. The structure of the RER and ribosomes is not resolved with the light microscope. 1000x

Image source
Image taken of a slide from the Virtual Microscopy Laboratory (http://www.histologyguide.com)